BMPRO BC300 + Commlink

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$430 $475


Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Dennis W.(. (Queensland, Australia)
Shopping Experience: RV Online as a distributor delivered quickly no hassle
Would you recommend this to a friend?: Yes
Necessary if direct loads, Works, but Parallel Battery Instructions - Like Fine Print

I got the BC300 + Comm Link working today after ‘many’ attempts, and unfortunate feelings of frustration. I have direct high amp load access from the battery so it is necessary that investment or your BMPRO BMS will not charge properly, I’m sure it will work fine now it’s paired. The cause of the frustration ‘parallel’ batteries - there is a critical key instruction embedded in the written instructions - and is not highlighted in You Tube videos which describe a single battery install - that the negative cable that links the parallel batteries (they call it the earth strap) ‘does not’ get connected to the opposite end of the BC300 like all other negative cables - it must be connected to the end of the BC300 that connects to the negative terminal. It is just really important you very carefully read the instructions if like me and nearly all caravanners today you have 2 or more batteries.

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